Charcoal Adsorbed Serum
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Seraplex has a long history of making controls and calibrators for in vitro diagnostic manufacturing.
We now manufacture these products through our manufacturing partners. Our Quality Assurance staff is highly skilled and experienced at creating serums with specific protein levels. We use our own sources of Recovered Plasma for manufacturing Defibrinated and Delipidized Sera, which allows us to offer very competitive prices for these products.
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Seraplex can accommodate many different customers’ specifications. Whether you are looking for Defibrinated Serum with high total proteins, or Charcoal Adsorbed Serums with assayed hormone levels, we can work with your company to manufacture the highest quality products.
Contact us today for a consultation on making specific sera that meets your company’s manufacturing needs. Our product catalog includes, but is not limited to: Charcoal Adsorbed Serum, Defbrinated/ Delipidized Serum, and Off the Clot Serum.